Beef Casserole

Casserole with beef and vegetables accompanied by basmati rice with turmeric🍛 The most delicious dinner ever!

Recipe: – two medium onions, – 4-5 green and red peppers, – 1 large potato or 10 very small potatoes, – a large carrot, – sunflower oil, – spices: vegetables or vegetable broth, dried basil, black pepper, red pepper, garlic powder, curry, – beef (I used two very large pieces), – himalayan salt, – 600ml of water, – 100ml tomato sauce, – mixed spices for beef, – 4 small pieces of cow butter (which we place on the pieces of meat). Turmeric basmati rice recipe: – a glass of rice water, – two glasses of water, – olive oil, – a tablespoon of vegetable jam, – a teaspoon of saffron and 1/2 cup of boiled water (mix them to release the saffron color).

Instructions: In the earthen pan, we throw the chopped onion, the peppers cut into oblongs, the potatoes and the carrots. Then we add sunflower oil and spices. Mix well, then put the beef on top of it and sprinkle a little salt on top. Then we add the sauce prepared with water and tomato sauce and put a little bit of cow butter on each piece of meat. We wrap the tray with baking paper, then with foil. Bake for about 1 hour at maximum temperature, then remove the baking paper and foil and bake for about 15 minutes. We prepare the rice by boiling the water with the vegetable mixture (vegetable) and olive oil. After it boils, we throw in the well-cleaned rice that has been left in the water for 30 minutes. After the rice is cooked, add the saffron that has been left in hot water for about 30 minutes. We mix it a little to get the color of rice saffron. We serve the rice on a plate together with the beef and vegetables. On top, for extra taste and delicacy, we also throw some small, finely chopped onions. Good luck to you!

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